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What Is Charity ? ...

Charity is about helping other people who are less fortunate than yourself, carried out with so much 'Love and Kindness'.

We have very sick children in the hospital,  and people hold fundraising events to raise money, so they can help buy new equipment and toys for the children to play with.

There are many different charities to choose from. Which Charity would you choose to help?

What Does 'Fundraising' Mean ? ...

Typhoon -  Copyright J A Chaloner_edited
Typhoon  Copyright J A Chaloner_edited_edited.png

'Follow The Arrows'

'Fundraising' involves making as much money as possible to give to your 'Special Charity'.  This can be achieved by organizing special events like 'Jumble Sales and Cupcake Stalls', and you may have many ideas of your own.


Many people take part in events for instance, if your dad completed the 'London Marathon', those who sponsored him all promised to pay 'Ten Pounds' each. Your dad would collect all the money raised and donate it to a 'Special Charity'.

When we collect and give the money to a charity we call this 'A Donation'.

' The Jumble Sale' ...

'The Strikemaster' - Copyright J A Chaloner_edited.png
'The Strikemaster - Copyright J A Chaloner_edited.png

Organizing a 'Jumble Sale' is a wonderful way to fundraise for your 'Special  Charity'. It is very important to plan ahead, if you know exactly what you are doing the 'Jumble Sale' is likely to be a success. Without proper planning, however, the 'Jumble Sale' could end in disaster.

'A Special Charity'

'The Vulcan Bomber'- Copyright J A Chalo

First, you need to choose your 'Special Charity', decide when you will have 'The Jumble Sale', and what time does it start. 


Next, we need to create a 'Poster'. Ask your parents if they have any old wallpaper; if not, your 'Grandad' might have some. The back of the wallpaper is usually blank, perfect for coloring. Your poster should be 'Big, Bold, and Colorful'. Get help from your parents to make it 'Fun and Exciting'.

Tell all your friends at school. Some of your friends may not have a front garden, so it would be very nice to invite them to join your 'Jumble Sale'.

Creating a 'Poster' and informing all your friends and neighbors about your 'Jumble Sale' is known as 'Promoting'.


'Old Toys And Cup Cakes'

Things you can sell maybe old toys that you do not play with any more, you could ask your mum to make some precious 'Cup Cakes' they always sell well !

'Fairey Swordfish' Copyright J A Chalone
Copyright Pinterest


Next, find a garden table for your items, and see if your mum can drape a throw over the table. Arrange everything neatly; this is known as 'Presenting.' Try to make it fun and exciting, perhaps by blowing up some balloons as well.

                                Play some 'Music', this will make people 'Feel At Home' ...

Copyright J A Chaloner

'Fun And Exciting'

'Follow The Arrows'

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